Profile subjects
Profile Subjects all over the world
We are a modern school and our activities must make sense to both teachers and students. That will give us a strong community. Profile subjects form strong communities of interest that bring together different students and adults on a development process that is truly unique. The guiding community continues to grow between students and teachers on the journey, and that is the ultimate learning space that gives students the courage and desire determine their future life.
P1 Profile Subjects
Below are the profile subjects you can choose in the last profile subject period.
Adventure - Outdoor
Board Performanceh5>
Craft and Creativityh5>
Dancing in Berlinh5>
Practical diving classes in the pool & seah5>
Fashion and Sustainabilityh5>
Fit For Lifeh5>
Icelandic ridingh5>
Myths and Legendsh5>
Padel Tennish5>
TURKEY - a gateway to the Easth5>
- See cultural subjects -h5>
Previous Profile Subjects
Here, you can see previous Profile Subjects.
Asian Cookingh5>
Coral Restorationh5>
Craft and Creativityh5>
Dancing in Berlinh5>
Dive and Plunge - Spearfish Huntingh5>
Practical diving classes in the pool & seah5>
Extreme Skiingh5>
Fashion and Sustainabilityh5>
Fit For Lifeh5>
Photo safarih5>
Icelandic ridingh5>
Myths and Legendsh5>
Padel Tennish5>
Wingfoil surfingh5>
3 periods & 3 travels
The school year is in 3 sections - 2 Profile Subjects and 1 Culture Subject.
At the end of every period, you will go on a travel from 5 - 14 days, depending on the subject. In total, we travel 28 days.
Profile Subject 1
August - October
The students choose their first Profile Subject before they start. You will spend time planning the trip, and learn how to set personal and common goals together in the group. For instance, the divers train for their PADI Open Water certificate, dancers learn choreography, sailers learn sailing and so on. The first Profile Subject trip will be around 7 days.
Culture Subjects
October - February
The theme for the second period is culture and world citizenship. The Culture Subjects are based on the culture of a country, for instance USA, Nepal, South Peru or China. You will prepare the trip, which is not a vacation at all. You will meet other young people from all over the world and form friendships for life. Typically, the trip is 10-14 days long.
Profile Subject 2
February - May
The third period focus mainly on personal development and skills by combining both the Profile Subjects and Culture Subjects. The students are now experienced in forming the subjects and will be engaged in creating new subjects. For instance, some students created Cheerleading and travelled to USA, where they trained with local young people. The last trip will be around 7 days.
Book your guided tour
Come to Ranum and experience the atmosphere. Hear more about the opportunities, see the school and have a chat with one of our passionate staff members.