In the footsteps of the Karate Kid
In the mountains of China there are towns and temples where Kung Fu, or Gong Fu, is as much a part of everyday life as a football station or a hall is in a medium-sized Danish provincial town. Anyone who has seen Kung Fu Panda or Karate Kid knows what it looks like, but perhaps not that it exists in reality.
If you go on this trip, you'll attend a Kung Fu school with Chinese children and youth, and experience everyday markets and temples on the mountain top. No knowledge is required, but you must be prepared to work with body and soul, not as separate entities, but as one.
If you like to use your body, are interested in philosophy, religion and self-development, then this is for you. There will be as much breath training as flying kicks. Just as much immersion about movement.
Patience is a highly valued value in China that we get to feel and work with, but if you have an open mind then this is for you and you will become part of an ancient culture.
To work with the body in a new way and get an insight into Asia's understanding of body and mind as one entity. To give students ways to better "be themselves" and achieve calm and balance in a sometimes stressful and competitive everyday life. Important to emphasize that the physical work supports the mental and not the other way around.
Better mental balance is the goal, not a better looking body, although one does not exclude the other 😊 But the joy of movement, immersion and skill development is the goal.
Up to the trip we will work a lot with the body, but there will also be a part about Kung Fu, philosophy, religion and health in China. Also, of course, there will be a general introduction to China and maybe even a few phrases.
The trip
We will most likely fly to Wuhan, from where it is a 5 hour drive to the school. The school is next to a temple and in a nice small town where you can go for walks in your free time and enjoy the street life. See more at the link below about the school and accommodation.
Most days will be part of the natural rhythm of the school, with training from 6am to 8pm interspersed with breaks and food. See this link: https://www.wudangwushu.com/daily-practice
Of course, there will also be an excursion to Wudang Mountain with the many stairs up to the temple, which is known from Karate Kid, as well as time for fun and food in the city.
Terms: All students are ensured up to 500.000,- DKK. in relation to dangerous sports, by damages that are not covered
of the school's business insurance. See also the school's safety instructions for kayak/water activity. It is expected that good equipment will be needed: backpack, boots, shell jacket, sleeping bag, etc. You are very welcome to bring your own mountain bike.
Self-payment: 7.000,- DKK. Pocket money: max. 1.000,- DKK.
Annemette Bach