Dear reader The week has offered many different activities and we have had a really nice 1TP5Week. On the academic side, all students and teachers have been focused on getting ready for their oral exams, while there has been a bit of a break on the international line....

Dear reader We have had a nice visit from Sweden. Started a new life-affirming outdoor project and the photo & video competition is in full swing. At the weekend, the finest wedding was held - Well enough for fun, but the joy and atmosphere was unmistakable. We...

Dear reader The written exams have got off to a good start at Ranum Efterskole College and are proceeding according to plan. The students are very attentive to be ready for the tests, and there has been a reasonably good calm in the test rooms, despite the fact that the part has struggled ...

Dear readerThe great natural disaster in Nepal touches us all deeply and we have immediately started a collection under the Danish Red Cross. Our friends in Nepal are unharmed, but many have lost their houses and all their food supplies. We hope that everyone who has visited...
