Schooling - A human right for all In this cultural subject you will gain an understanding of what it is like to live in a country like Malaysia, depending on the social strata of the family. This applies to preparation, travel and post-travel. You will be equipped to...

Mococco - Surf and culture. Tamraght 6 nights Surf and beach cleanups School visit 1-2 night homestay with a Moroccan family Paradise Valley Imsouane 5 nights Surf (one of the world's longest waves) and beach cleanups Visiting the local fishing village Visiting the ceramicists Visiting a Mosque ...

Travel to the biggest country in South America. When visiting Brazil, we will explore various aspects of what the country has to offer, ranging from the bustling city of Rio to an equestrian farm on the outskirts of urban life, near the Atlantic Rainforest. During our class,...
