Myths and Legends

Profile subject P1, Profile subject P3

This is why you should choose Myths and Legends.

In the profile subject Scotland Myths and Legends we will be working with Scotlands history, culture and legends. In the lessons we will vary between seeing, reading and hearing about Scotland and afterwards be actively producing our own studies about famous places/people or events. Based on the students' interests we will plan the trip and what to see. We will familiarise ourselves with the Wars of Scottish Independence and the relationship between Scotland and England. Furthermore, we will work with the legend of Greyfriers Bobby, the Loch Ness Monster and the making of Harry Potter.

The trip

During the trip we will be staying in Scotlands capital Edinburgh. Edinburgh is a charming capital with cozy streets and a fascinating history. We will strive to live within walking distance of the old part of town. We are going to walk The Royal Mile and visit the two castles - one in each end. We are going to do a city walk in the dark and experience the shadow side of town. We will also have the opportunity to experience the unique scottish nature in town. If at all possible, we are going to arrange a day trip to Iverness and Loch Ness



Kristine Sørensen

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Terms: No special conditions. Of course, you must have the imagination and desire to delve into the topics.
Self-payment: 3500 kr.


