The first Professional Journeys of the year

Dear reader,

By the time you read this week's newsletter, the majority of Ranum Efterskole College's students are on their way home from the first Profile Programme trips of the year. Several Profile subjects have already returned after a week of travelling around the world, while we still have students under the water and on top of mountains all over the world.

Throughout the week, it has been possible to follow all the Profilfags Journeys through our many Facebook groups covering each individual journey. In addition, there has been full pressure on our Instagramwhere students have shared their experiences up close and personal.

But fear not. In this week's newsletter, you'll get a glimpse into all the Profilfags Journeys and their biggest moments from the week. And many more to come in next week's newsletter and on social media!

So sit back and enjoy all the amazing photos from the trips. We wish you all a great autumn holiday from Ranum Efterskole College.

Where are we travelling to?

This week, we have sent 18 Profiles travelling around the world. But where are we actually travelling to on this year's first Profile Subject Journeys? We can answer that right here:

Adventure - Czech Rep.

Find out more on Facebook here!

Basketball - Madrid

Find out more on Facebook here!

Board Performance - Lyon

see more on facebook here!

Cheerleading - Milan

see more on facebook here!

Dance - Berlin

see more on facebook here!

Diving Egypt - Egypt

see more on facebook here!

Diving Malta - Malta

see more on facebook here!

Fashion & Sustainability - Paris

see more on facebook here!

Fit for Life - Copenhagen

see more on facebook here!

Football - Milan

see more on facebook here!

Gastronomy - Copenhagen

see more on facebook here!

Media - Prague

see more on facebook here!

Music - Prague

see more on facebook here!

Sailing - Croatia

see more on facebook here!

Surfing - Spain

see more on facebook here!

Visual Design/Ceramics - Barcelona

see more on facebook here!

Wakeboarding - Germany

see more on facebook here!

Yoga - Malaga

see more on facebook here!

Headmaster's column

The profile programme trips are coming to an end for most and the last ones will land on Saturday. The students and teachers will bring home many different experiences and lessons learnt. Fortunately, we have avoided serious incidents and accidents. The many trip reports on the various teams' Facebook groups testify that the students have been challenged on their skills and have strengthened the community considerably.

Naturally, we have sent a lot of thoughts to the schools that experienced the conflict in Israel. We are aware that the world is unpredictable, and we pay extra attention when travelling.

We are now looking forward to a break during the autumn holidays and look forward to seeing the students again and sharing their travel experiences with each other. The students are also looking forward to the upcoming student party on the Friday after the autumn break.

Have a great weekend and happy autumn holidays.

Olav Storm 

Much more to come!

Keep your ears and eyes open - There are many more great photos and stories to come from the Profilfags Journeys in our next newsletter. So if you'd like to receive a lot more of our Professional Journeys, sign up for our newsletter and get notified when our next one is published directly to your inbox.

Interested in learning even more about our wide range of Profile Programmes? You can read about all our Profile courses right here!

Thank you for this time - we wish you all a great autumn holiday!

Best regards from all of us at,

Ranum Efterskole College
