14 Apr Skydive, Full host on tour, Choice of P3, Culture & Family Day & PVA Competition
Our students are back from their cultural studies trips and they're full of fun stories and wild experiences. We've opened up enrolment for Skydive, so if you're ready to take the plunge (literally), now's the time to sign up! And hey, our Full Host students spent their Easter holidays in Copenhagen exploring the city and having a blast. We're also looking forward to hosting our Culture and Family Day, where our students and teachers will share their adventures with you in pictures, stories and maybe even a film or two. All this and much more in this week's newsletter.
Dear pupils and parents
You can now sign up for skydiving - either on a tandem jump or solo!

If you want to go tandem skydivingplease fill in the following form right here. (you can switch to English in the top left corner). It is the parents of the pupil who must fill this in. The price for REC students is 2100 DKK, so you need to fill in the following discount code when filling it in: RANUM
It's £1400 cheaper than the normal price and is a once in a lifetime offer!
It's on Saturday the 29th, location: DropZone Denmark, Herning. You do not need to be registered for the weekend to participate, but can simply meet us out there. Your families are also welcome
If you would like to take a solo courseand jump out of an aeroplane solo, drop us an email at sif@ranumefterskole.dk. There she will explain how to book it. The price for this is 3500 DKK, and they leave on Friday the 28th after the end of the course.
You will get the first part of an AFF - you can read more about this here. (Bronze)
If you booked a jump last time and didn't make it, please contact the owner Peter on +45 27827696
If you have any questions, please write to sif@ranumefterskole.dkor you can find her in her office.
Dropzone's address is Skinderholmvej 31.
Their contact details are as follows:
E-mail: info@dropzonedenmark.dk
The telephone number is +45 22 40 11 17.
NB: Registration closes on 25 April
Full Host on tour
Full Host students have been enjoying Copenhagen at Easter.
They have visited Tivoli and 'Reffen', had a guided tour of Christiania, where they learnt some stories about the people who live there now and in the past.

Then one group went indoor skydiving, while the other group went to Amalienborg to see the Little Mermaid and other sights.

It was sunny but cold.
P3 Interest Vote
Now it is time for the pupils to choose their last profile subject, and there have already been many suggestions during the winter. It is now possible to vote, and you can find all the information on SkolePlan under announcements, where there is a link to fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaire for the P3 election ends on 17 April.
You can find the P3 selection questionnaire here here.
There is no parental confirmation of this choice, as the final excursion is not expected to be self-pay and will primarily take place in Denmark in the 2nd last week of the programme.
Invitation to the Culture and Family Day on 23 April 2023.
Dear parents and families.
You are invited to a Culture and Family Day, where pupils and teachers will talk about the Cultural Journeys in pictures, stories and possibly films. There will also be evaluation workshops during refreshments where you can meet with staff and share your experiences, opinions and ideas with us.
On Sunday we also celebrate the school's 19th birthday with lots of cake and refreshments and lunch for all groups at the advertised times in the dining hall.
The day's programme ends with a "gift of a lecture" specially adapted for parents, while pupils can visit each other's STEM workshop and spend time with their siblings and possibly grandparents, etc.
(Pupils and teachers receive specially organised lectures on digital literacy on Monday mornings).
"The art of screwing up several things at the same time" a gift lecture for parents.
Speaker and journalist Søren Hebsgaard has extensive experience in focusing on our use of mobile phones and screens, as well as digital education. Based on a survey among Ranum students, Søren addresses the difficult choices and situations where mobile phones or screens create challenges for community and presence. We encourage you to attend the lecture and support the dialogue about digital education, which is necessary for the students to get the full benefit of 1TP5Life - and life.
Read more at www.sorenhebsgaard.dk
The programme is divided into 3 sessions and 3 groups:
Group A: Canada, Bonaire, Costa Rica, Cuba, Texas, US Road Trip
Group B: EU Road Trip, Brazil, South Africa, Nepal, Namibia, New Zealand
Group C: South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Bali, Japan, Malaysia

For room and space allocation reasons, we would like to have a registration on Skoleplan before 20 April.
PVA, Photo, Video and Article competition for a cultural trip
Every school year, we organise a PVA (photo, video and article) competition on students' cultural journeys.
The best overall set of 3 photos, best photo, video and/or article will win €500. The absolute "best of the best" will win a set of Apple AirPods - 3rd generation.
Hurry up and nudge your child if he/she wants the chance to win some great prizes!
DEADLINE for submission is Wednesday 19 April 2023 at 23:59
See a short summary of the competition and what you can win right here:
The rules of the competition are as follows:

That's all for this week's newsletter here from Ranum Efterskole College.
Have a great weekend!