12 Mar Hit by the pandemic law, Memory jerseys & efterskole life
Dear reader,
The efterskole life is almost back to normal and starting to look like something we know. Admittedly, we still have distance requirements, face masks and tests, but if we put that a side and focus on what really matters right now, then we have actually managed to create community and efterskole life. There is thriving life in the houses and in the corridors, and here in the newsletter we have gathered an overview for you who follow. So welcome and happy reading.
Pandemic law stops efterskole stay
The unfortunate "side effect" of the Pandemic Act - repatriation of young people who are already safe in Denmark, was again put on the agenda in the media.
Excerpts from the article:
“It has been exhausting, demanding and tiring in many ways. Both physically, emotionally and mentally, says Diana Nicolle Aguilar Martinez about the visa process she is in ”
Watch the TV feature by clicking here or in the picture below (Danish)

TV2 Nord also wrote an article, which can be read here (Danish): After-school pupils expelled by Denmark: - I am very afraid to go home
Milestone in efterskole life: Memory Hoodies
On Wednesday night, we initiated a well-known efterskole phenomenon: Memory sweaters. Media was opened, and here the students could come down and write his name on a poster, which is printed on the back of the shirts.

Good progress in the profile subjects
Last week we were told that we are choosing new profile subjects for the next period, so therefore we now take a look at what some of the profile subjects have done this week.
Engine teaching



Efterskole life - at its best
We have picked a handful of pictures from life at school, which are actually not about anything but an efterskole life. It is the SoMe team, which helps to create content for the school's social media, that has taken the pictures from an ordinary after-school evening.

Sofa Session
In this week's Sofa Session, we pay tribute to The Man In Black - Johnny Cash - with the song Folsom Prison Blues. We played it in a moody setting, which fits well with the song.
And with that song, we send you and all of us on an extended weekend for us. A lot of students stay at the school, even though there is no teaching on Monday. It will be cozy and wonderful - we enjoy being back.