Teachers teach from home digitally

Together - separately

Dear reader,

Of course, we are all very concerned by the situation and we are still not aware of the extent of the Corona virus and the impact of the quarantine on the rest of the school year.

Community and after-school life are kept aliveas best we can and as much as possible. So even though there is not so much physical interaction at the moment, there is still a lot of fellowship.

All teaching takes place on Teamsand it's getting better and better. It's difficult and it's not the same, but we're making the best of it. Maybe it's even a bit nice, because the students get to see their peers and teachers.

We have had evening activities, and just yesterday, Steen invited us to the TV kitchen. Here you could watch and participate in baking cinnamon rolls. It was really nice, and Steen did a brilliant job as TV chef. Other days suggestions have been shared on what to do in the evenings - all digitally. Of course.

Today, Friday, there was a community gathering at 11.30, which was live streamed on Facebook, and it was something we all needed. It happened so suddenly as everyone was leaving school. And now we're sitting around the country - separately. So it was really nice that we could get together and get a sense of the amazing community that we're part of at Ranum. You can watch it here if you want.

Here Olav told us that we have sadly said goodbye to our AFS students. The 22 students were driven to Copenhagen Airport because they have been called home and unfortunately they cannot finish the school year there. It's a real shame and they were very sad to leave. Especially because they didn't get to say goodbye properly to all their friends at Ranum. But it has been a wonderful acquaintance and we hope all the best for them.

We are not aware of any student staff who have been infected with corona while at the school, so we have not had to pursue chains of infection. Fortunately.

In a week we should be on our way to the world. 20 different destinations. We won't. Instead, we aim to travel together in the last week from Sunday to Thursday. We'll be making changes to profile subjects and destinations, but we're not ready to announce anything yet. The finances of the cancelled trips have not been sorted out yet, and won't be until after we should have travelled. We expect everyone to get their co-pay back if we can't reschedule the activity. Some will be able to use their own travel insurance to get reimbursed for the profile trip. We cannot return to the finances of travel until after Easter, so we ask for patience as the whole travel world is overloaded at this time.

And then it's important to remember the good things. Corona quarantine takes up a lot of space, and that's only natural. But you can also get fed up with it. So here's a little look back at the year in pictures below. We have had so many good times and we must remember to appreciate that.

19/20 in retrospect

And then it just remains to say very good weekend to you all. We are in this difficult situation together, and fortunately there are many who are still participating and contributing to the community. We'll keep you updated, so please follow us on our channels.

All the best,

Ranum Efterskole College
