Your everyday life at Ranum Efterskole College

Your everyday life at Ranum Efterskole College 


The first weeks at the school 

 Emma Bauer & Sofie Stæhr 
Year 18/19

"We had to get used to the fact that we don't have so much time alone. There are always new people around. We don't want to miss out on anything that's happening at Ranum, so we rarely had time to just be ourselves in the beginning. But it's also important that there are different activities here at the beginning, otherwise you might quickly end up going into the room and then we don't get to know any new people at all. Anyway, we think it's been really good."


Meet our contact groups 

When you start at Ranum Efterskole College you will be part of a contact group of between 8-11 other students and a contact teacher. The contact teacher will be your and your parents' contact person at the afterschool school throughout the school year. The contact groups help to create a regular meeting point for you and the other students during the school year. The contact group is where you eat lunch and dinner, but it can also be a gathering point where you can make pancakes, go kayaking or play a friendly game of roundball. The most important thing to know is that no two contact groups are the same. They are all different as you, the other students and the contact group teacher all help to shape your contact group.

Contact group 15 (year 18/19)

Contact group 15 is one of our international contact groups and this means that the students in this group come from Denmark, Ukraine and Thailand. Therefore, one of the most important things is that the students remember to communicate in English. 

"It can be hard to remember that we have to speak English all the time. We sometimes sit at dinner and talk in small groups; one group speaks Danish and another group speaks Thai. But now we have talked about it and to get better at speaking English together we give each other certain places. I think it's a really good idea because then we'll be more 'forced' to do this at first, but later I hope it will become more natural for us to speak English. I think it's also part of being in a contact group that we have to figure things out along the way before we know what works best for us."
"We are a good contact group because our contact group theory is really good at creating good engagement. He helps us remember the little things that make being in the contact group even more fun. Plus, he's just really entertaining and that only makes it that much better!"

"I hear around the corridors that it's our contact group that the other contact groups look up to - it just works so well here! Even though the students sometimes forget to speak English and make themselves aware of the use of English, they are just always in a really good mood."

"It's our extra family when we're here at the afterschool and who can't always use a little extra family! It's just really nice"
