23 Oct Travel stories, football and One Day Moviemaker
Dear reader,
Travel stories, films and new friendships have filled efterskolen since Sunday. The students have missed each other in the 14 days they've been apart due to travel and autumn holidays.
We started straight and hard with school subjects and profile subjects, as well as a super concert on Monday night. A number of students have been out of the house with their profile subjects.
Fit for Life with Trine Bagger
Have been on a visit in Aars and got besides a lot of training and tips, allowed to train with a real elite athlete, namely the Danish champion Trine Bagger.
The football girls came second
The REC girls' team participated in the World Championships in after-school football and came second in their pool, as well as 4th among all schools, which is great, considering we are not a sports after-school!

Duelist certificate and audition
The sailors have taken the practical certificate and are now ready for the theoretical course.
On Thursday evening there was an audition for the Performance on 21.11 and there were a lot of talented participants for music, singing and acting. Look forward!
One Day Moviemaker: See the videos and the winners
Friday has been spent finishing the One Day Moviemaker course in the Danish teams, and more than 44 short films have been produced from the many profile trips. The two guest teachers Rune Lynell and Erik Bjerre acted as judges together with the teachers and awarded the best photographer and the best film.
Watch the winning video Sailing from youtube below or watch it live on youtube. See also Adventure and Golfs tender.

Student party, 500 sausages for dinner and reunion tomorrow
Tonight, Friday, the student team and the Parents' Council will hold the first student party. The party is being held outside the school, but we are helping with a good dinner to start the party and a group has baked more than 500 sausage corners for the night.
Tomorrow is REC Reunion Day for former students, and we expect a lot of former students to drop by. The programme starts at 2pm and ends at 5pm. There will be a big community gathering with singing and pictures from the last year. And of course there will be refreshments and tours of the "old" rooms.
Here you can jump into a playlist from youtube, which takes you through 8 videos from the 2014-15 school year.
See also the pictures.
Pedagogically it has been a great week with lots of good energy and stories from the travels. Unfortunately, we had to send several students home in the middle of the week after it was discovered that they had consumed alcohol on their trip. It's a sad situation to put yourself and others in, but also one that we will learn from going forward. We still hold that it is freedom that makes us strong, and that it is especially the experience of dealing with freedom that we learn from.
Events next week
Next week, new Tuesday classes will start and then we'll launch the 21 Culture classes. It will be a fantastic week, where we will also have a visit from lecturer Anders Kofoed Petersen from TravelApe. Anders is a world champion at telling how challenges and experiences make you strong, and how to build self-esteem in others and yourself. He has been at Ranum Efterskole for 10 years and has made a big difference for many students every year.
Best regards and have a nice weekend
Olav Storm Johannsen