28 Feb New profile subjects, concert, photo competition!
Dear reader!
The week has offered lots of academic lessons, and we have embarked on 5 weeks of curriculum final spurt towards the summer exams. We have also started new profile subjects and can clearly feel that it is the 3rd time and that the students are ready from the start! On Wednesday we had a concert with MC Hansen, and it was a total success.
Thursday Evening and night, the majority of students in the seminary house swapped beds and rooms for a night, getting closer to each other and making new friendships.
Friday The Photo Award Show, where the winners of this year's 3 major photo-video article competitions were announced.

Cultural studies presentations: Last Sunday, more than 130 parents and siblings gathered to hear about the pupils' cultural trips to Nepal, the Philippines, Japan and China. It was really nice and this Sunday it is the turn of the New Zealand, Winter Sports, Oman, Morocco, South Africa teams to present to their families.
Educational: It is now that the tree of life in the schoolyard is about to spring out, and therefore we have worked and talked a lot about community and the strengths it holds in the assemblies and at contact group meetings, and it is really nice to feel that the responsibility that lies in taking each other along and counting on each other really grows at efterskolen. There is always someone in a group who finds it difficult to give themselves to a committed community, and they are pressurised when more people reach out, and you learn a lot from this socially and personally. A couple of dance classes are also working with the theme "fucking nice", and it hits the message of having a great experience of taking others with you and doing something for others in a community.

Next week there's general education, profile subjects and then we get ready for Open House on Sunday 8 March, 13-17.
(There is a waiting list for 2015-16 and places available for the 16-17 school year)
In the morning of the same day there is an offer of guidance talks for the new students for 2015-16and therefore there are a lot of assignments and presentations for the students. Sunday 8 March is a teaching day for all students, and they can have a day off on Friday 13 March, so the extended weekend starts on Thursday 12 March at 14.15.
Best regards and have a great weekend!
Olav Storm Johannsen