13 Feb OSO project, sports and photo competition
Dear reader!

Last week the students had a hectic week with many academic classes, tutoring and then the week ended with a big student party. We were hit by a little bit of motion sickness, but luckily the student party made a lot of people recover quickly and have a good party.
On Friday, almost all employees went on a Christmas gift trip to Aarhus, where we visited Bazar Vest and got a really exciting tour, and ate an excellent Turkish dinner. You experience several parallels to Ranum Efterskole College when you walk around between the many different stalls and shops at the market, and even though efterskoleværelserne does not quite smell as good as the vegetable market, there is at least a similar cultural and colourful diversity. Afterwards we went to Aarhus Theatre, where we saw the theatre concert Gasolin. It was a fantastic experience - also in terms of collegiality.
This week, everyone in Year 10 has written their big Compulsory Independent Assignment, OSO, and the teachers have been supervising in shifts from early to late. It has been a really good week with great concentration and many were well prepared. Those who had difficulty getting started and staying in the process received help on an ongoing basis and during Thursday and Friday there have been presentations to a panel of teachers and students. It is a great satisfaction to have completed the OSO project and great that we have a large group of students who have also enjoyed the independent work during the week. The 9th grade students have had subject themes and the international 9th graders have also had final exams.
In the coming week there is also a winter holiday around the northern part of Jutland. We have made 3 fantastically exciting theme days, where the students will take turns working with Rhetoric, Video Storytelling and Sports Day. From Tuesday to Friday, many students are on Roadshow to several major cities, where they tell about their expeditions around the world and about what it is like to be efterskoleelev. The students from the music team from Jamaica and the Moroccan Performance team will also perform, so there is a lot of different things to experience. You are very welcome to drop by and you can also request your own student lecture by email: info@ranumefterskole.dk It's completely free, and a great experience for students to take part in!
Monday night is Carnival and all students must provide some form of costume. It will be traditional with barrel racing, cat kings and queens, and of course homemade carnival buns from Jan's bakery!

PHOTO - VIDEO AND ARTICLE CONTEST - see the 184 amazing photos from the trips
Click on the image to see all the photos on facebook. Login is not required.

See the 16 videos entered in the competition
Pedagogically, we find that the students are recovering from their travels. It has been difficult for many to cope with jet lag and colds etc. We have had a stressful incident where some pupils took an AA key and went on a night out. We have now dealt with this and the key is back. Unfortunately two pupils have signed out as the cup ran over in this incident. We are also finding that there is a very strong awareness amongst the students that this is the time to live afterschool life and community to the fullest, and we look forward to the next few weeks when there will be more light and energy. In week 9 the new profile subjects start and then it is only 7 weeks until we go out into the world again for the last time this school year.
Best regards and have a great weekend!
Olav Storm Johannsen