08 Mar Linkoban, Yoga and Beatles

Dear reader!
A lot happens at Ranum Efterskole in the course of a week: Monday Linkoban played a very special and intimate concert at Imaginationloftet, Tuesday there was a lecture on abuse by a counsellor at the common assembly. On Wednesday, TV2Nord came by to hear the students' and the school's comments on the lockout announced for 1 April. Watch the feature here, and read the briefing below.

Thursday afternoon the yoga class started with a guest teacher and the interest is high. Friday morning we did spring cleaning and after lunch we had a great Beatles concert and lecture in the banquet hall.

Open House and Interview with new students.
Tomorrow, Saturday, we will interview the new students for the next school year, where the weekend students will also help to show around, talk about their stay and profile subjects, etc. At the same time there is a diving weekend for about 70 students. The future students will have to choose profile subjects for their 1st term.
On Sunday, all students will be back at 11.00 - and will help to present the school at the Open House from 13-17.
There are only about 20 places available for the next school year, so now is the time to decide if you want to apply to become a 2nd year student or secure a place at Ranum Efterskole in the future.
Spread the good news to neighbours, friends and colleagues young people are all welcome on Sunday in Ranum
New International Cambridge line.
The big news for next school year is a new International class with the five Cambridge subjects: English - as Second language, Math, Science, Global Perspective, German/French. It will be a unique 10th grade where students can choose not to sit the Danish FS10 exam.
This coming week we have Friday off and the students have to leave on Thursday from 14.30.
Best regards and have a great weekend!
Olav Storm Johannsen
Information on lockout notice.
As you have probably heard and seen in the press, conflict has been announced in the Free Schools area. This means that Ranum
Afterschool is also affected by the lockout 1 April. We have of course received enquiries from parents and students are also concerned about the completion of their profile subjects, trips and exams. What this may mean for the students and the school is well told in the TV2Nord broadcast from Wednesday. Watch the clip here.
Unless the conflict escalates, we believe we can continue to offer students a reasonable level of accommodation and education at the school. Head teacher, deputy head teacher, technical - administrative staff and teachers not organised in the FSL
or the Danish Teachers' Union, are not covered by the Lockout. We will work on the best solutions given the situation.
If the conflict ends in a lockout before the last profile trip, it will be difficult to carry out the trips - especially abroad, if we don't get help from parents or other friends of the house. We cannot take a position on possible replacement travel or compensation for co-payment at this time. There are many unanswered questions which we expect to receive answers to from the Modernisation Agency on an ongoing basis, and we will inform you when we know more.
If the lockout occurs during a trip, teachers and others on the trip are obliged to follow the management's instructions for proper supervision of students.
For the time being, life at Ranum Efterskole continues unchanged. Students are prepared and set for the exams as already planned. If we need any help to organise the trips we will send out an email.
You are welcome to contact us by email if you have any questions about the lockout and we will answer them as soon as possible.
possible and to the best of our ability.