06 Jan Newsletter 6 January 2012

Dear reader!
Happy New Year! - again.
We hope that you all had a good start to the year and that your New Year wishes for the new year will be fulfilled. We are just now holding a lot in our hands, because in a few days the whole school will be travelling out into the big world on the 2nd profile subject expedition of this school year. Just as the year starts with a fireworks display, the students also start with stargazing and the expectations are just as high. Read more about the Profile Expeditions further down in this Newsletter. This Newsletter is also followed by IMPORTANT information about Parental Interviews, Study Counselling, and choice of education.
The week has been short. We started on Wednesday evening when the students returned to RE and a reunion was organised via FB. Many have visited each other during the holidays and yet the reunion joy was palpable. A couple hadn't emptied their pockets of gunpowder, but I think that's happened now. There was some turmoil the first night, it's hard to avoid when many teens over the holidays have turned the corner day and night, and the New Year's loops are still in the corners of their eyes. But Thursday saw the start of academic classes and Thursday classes of martial arts, swimming and crossfit, music, dance, etc. The Nepal team met one last time and sorted out the final changes. In the evening, all students gathered to get information about - and process a repatriation just before the Christmas holidays.
Pedagogical it is a funny story about a boy who wanted to be sent home because he is lonely at school, and who therefore brought some hashish, but regretted and threw it out - in agreement with the room, and where the story came to light anyway, and he was therefore sent home. The funny thing is that by throwing the hash out, the boy made the big decision to stay, found a few good friends and got the courage to form friendships. Together with parents, pupils and peers, we got to the bottom of the matter and decided not to stop working together after this turning point. The seriousness of the case is clear to the pupils. And there is also an understanding that we can be confident that we can continue the cooperation with the pupil.
Today Friday there have been book classes all morning and many have got their term tests back. This weekend there is the Ranum Book of Records, where the students themselves organise various happenings and record attempts e.g., Game 500 for 10 hours, most computer games overnight, and tomorrow at 4pm and for 24 hours there will be a music marathon in the music room.
The profile subjects are ready for the journeys:
Nepal will travel in 3 rounds - the first team will leave on Monday night and the last team on Wednesday morning.
We will visit 3 friendship schools - including 2 brand new schools. The focus will be on the environment and English language teaching, as well as creative and sporting activities that can break down cultural barriers and build friendships across the world.
India departs Monday night and will go on a pioneering trip to an Indian high school in southern India. The students won't have to travel by bus along the east coast anyway, and will thus have a longer and more substantial stay in Mitraniketan.
Ghana travel set off on Tuesday evening, heading for summer and lots of exciting first-time experiences for RE, both students and teachers. The content is incredibly exciting with lots of culture and activities with young people in Ghana.
Miami / USA travel also on Tuesday night, and although it has been difficult to open doors in Miami due to insurance issues, students are in for an amazing journey into the many contradictions that make up American society.
North next week to prepare for the expedition, which starts on Sunday. Some will spend the night in shelters and test if 2 sleeping bags are enough to cope with the freezing winter night in DK. Norwegian culture will be worked on and a number of activities and trips will be planned for the trip.
Follow us on http://www.facebook.com/ranumefterskole
and not least on the News and Travel pages, news, where we will post news from the journeys as far as possible. Remember that nothing new is good news - because then there is no time for anything but experiencing and learning!! Then the stories will follow!

Cuts to the parental contribution are withdrawn!
We all hope that the government will decide to withdraw the cuts on 20 January, when the Finance Bill will be decided. If it is finally decided, it will have tangible consequences for all RE parents this spring too!
At the RE we have decided to send out new school fees statements in February first and in these the adjustment for January is also included. Now that's a Christmas present you can feel!
Afterschools' night - also at RE even if it's only the Nordic countries at home.
We are holding an Open House for all interested parties together with all the other efterskoler's in Denmark, so you have the opportunity to visit several schools on the same evening! We show you around, tell you about the school, efterskole life and then we serve tastings from the fire, coffee, tea and cake! Come inside for a cosy evening!
- or book a tour at a later date! contact/book a guided tour
Thus, we have rounded off a short week with - a long Newsletter, and there is even more to look forward to in the coming spring and school year! Have a great weekend, and happy expedition to all students!
See you all in about 2 weeks!
Yours sincerely
Olav Storm
REMEMBER: Parent talks on 17 February, which will also be an opportunity to hear about the profile subject.
And for those of you on winter break, we'll be holding a catch-up with presentations from the trips on 2 March at 4pm and 4 March at 6pm
Parent talks will be held on 17/2 as announced from 12 noon - 9 pm - a message will be sent in the week following travel, explaining how to book the interviews and how they will be conducted.
Educational guidance and elections - before 1 February.
Students should have completed their education plan on myeducation.net in the short term after the trip. This is worked on at school both during free time and during part of the school day. The training plan must be completed before 1 February. Most of the students have been working. Parents have an obligation to acknowledge the educational plan and to talk to pupils about it. Once pupils have completed the education plan, they must make a choice of upper secondary education via optagelse.dk.
In connection with filling out the materials for optagelse.dk, parents can book an interview with Ib Christensen on the following dates: 29/1, 5/2, 12/2, 17/2 and 26/2. Booking will be possible on the school website after 25/1 -2012. Help material will be sent out when filling in the admissions page.
All applications for secondary education must go through the school.
There will be many places in the near future where secondary schools in your area are holding open days - be aware of this.