09 Jun Activity days, Ranum Højskole on a trip, memory books, water sports weekend and Profile subject day
Dear reader,
The 3rd last week of the school year has passed, and we are slowly warming up for the Profile Days from 14 to 16 June. Time flies, and both students and staff are doing everything they can to maximise the last time at the school. Among other things, the traditional memory books are produced, in which students write greetings to each other. In addition, there are plenty of activity days, which have included sailing, beach adventures, picnics and mountain biking.
Read a lot of news from our lovely week of sunshine in this week's newsletter. Enjoy your reading.
Water Sports Weekend
This past weekend was a water sports weekend, and around 400 students chose to spend the weekend at the school. This meant that our Aira 22s were out and about for both afternoon and evening sailing. See some pictures from a BEAUTIFUL weekend, with the best weather, below.

Ranum Højskole on a trip
Ranum Højskole went on an inspiration and PR trip on Friday when they set sail with Oceans of Hope. The destination was DTU Nykøbing Mors. Here DTU offered a guided tour, experiments and a trip in waders! The footage from this day will be used to produce promotional material for højskolen.

Memory Books
The traditional memory books are currently being decorated to the gold medal, ready to be filled with memories, greetings and thoughts from fellow students. You can see some of the process below.

Beach day
On Thursday, around 80 students attended a beach day activity. And with 18 degrees and high sun, it was an unforgettable beach day! The students swam, played beach volleyball and kings games, and ate packed lunches on the beach. This is 1TP5Life at its best!

Profile days
Today has been Profile subject day, which means that a large part of the students have been out of the house. The media students visited the Media Schools in Viborg, where they got an insight into what future opportunities they have in the media world, a guided tour and a small assignment in camera use. Thank you so much for letting us visit Viborg - we'd love to do it again!

Music has been preparing for the Profile Days next week, with a final rehearsal and packing up equipment.

Next week
On Wednesday next week, the profile subjects will set off on their profile subject trips. Some of the subjects are going out of the house, while others will stay in Ranum and go on day trips out of the house. Among other things, media, music, basketball and fitness will be travelling to Skagen, where they will enjoy the weather to the fullest. A lot of pictures from these days can be seen in next week's newsletter.