23 Sep Outdoor Weekend, Skills on Tour and Friendship Dating
Dear Reader,
The nerves are starting to show, the expectations are high and we are SO ready - Afterschools Day is coming! Sunday is the day, and both students and staff have put in the harness, to once again provide a fantastic experience, for all the families who are passing by Ranum. Music and dance have prepared performances, the kitchen and gastronomy have prepared the food and the office can report over 200 families registered for the day.
Sunday is the night, but the week's big and small events should not be overlooked - read much more about the week's moments, right here:
Outdoor weekend
The weekend was all about the outdoors, as Anders and Heine offered an Outdoor Weekend! They offered climbing, pancake-baking over a fire, a day trip to Lodbjerg Lighthouse, overnight stays at our shelters in Næsby, and much more. See some glimpses from the weekend, right below:

This coming weekend, the school will be packed with students as it is a so-called 'staycation' weekend. It includes skydiving, go-karting and Afterschool Day.
Rings in Space
On Tuesday evening, Tjalla offered a creative opportunity for students to make their own ring holders in the World Room at the Seminary Building. They had to be shaped, painted and dried, and then the finest little bowls were created to hold jewellery. Many turned up, in fact so many that they ran out of clay. But don't worry, next time we'll equip ourselves with lots of clay, so no one goes in vain. See photos from the creative evening, right here:

The bowls are already adorning the rooms, and I wonder if that will spark ideas for this year's Christmas gift-giving for the students 😉
Friendship dating
"You've got a friend in me," goes the song from Randy Newman. And the students do have friends in each other, but you can always get an extra one or two. Ranumhus teacher Kristine took this mission to heart on Wednesday night when she invited everyone to a friendship date at Ranumhus. Here the students mixed and mingled, and made a lot of new acquaintances.

We thank Kristine for all the new friendships that can now blossom over the weekend - it's so cool!
Girls Day in Science
On Wednesday 5 October, science teacher Natasha takes around 15 science-minded students under her arm and heads to the big city: they're going to Double A! They're going to Girls Day in Science, a day organised by Aalborg University for girls in primary school.
Here, the girls will attend workshops, learn and experiment, and actually just experience what a science education and future can look like. We are sure the girls will have a great experience in Aalborg!

In preparation for the day, the girls met one evening and collaborated on a science assignment. We are so ready for the day!
Skills on tour

8 of the bravest students from the Sailing Skills team went on a mission this week: a 2-day trip on the good ship Rosalina, which was sailing from Løgstør to Egå. It was their biggest challenge so far, and gave them a taste of life on the water. The trip was part of their professional training in sailing, and was part of the students' sailing course at the school.

The ship Rosalina is a large wooden ship, which participated in the Limfjorden Rundt race. The ship then had to be brought back to Egå, where it is moored. So both navigation, daily maintenance of the ship, and cooking skills in a "rocking" kitchen were challenged.

The students didn't get much sleep on the trip, and really got to test what life on the water can be like. They did superbly, and Mick is extremely proud of the spirit and enthusiasm with which the students approached the task. Already, there are plans to make the trip an annual event - and this decision can only be supported!

The weekend is coming!
The weekend is creeping up on us, and we're ready to give it our all! Follow all the festivities, on our Instagram and Facebook
Happy weekend to all of you out there,
Greetings all of us, at