28 Jul Last newsletter 13/14
Dear reader!
The 2013-14 school year ended with a bang. We were really lucky with the weather and had sun and light nights to say a proper goodbye to each other.
Wednesday - Football match
On Wednesday, the last exams ended and already that afternoon there was a final match between teachers and students in football. After last year's defeat to student team 9, it warmed up the teachers again to take home the victory for the 9th time.

The football match teacher against pupils
Wednesday evening was the last night in the rooms before the big clean-up, and there was a lot of fun and chatting until dawn. At midnight, a collective night run was held and everyone gathered in the schoolyard to sing the Tree of Life and Give Us Back the Light, as well as give the Tree of Life a joint hug. This was, of course, a breach of the school rules, but also a celebration of a large and strong community, which will be a memory for life.
Thursday - Cleanup & Livø
On Thursday everyone cleaned up in their rooms and in the afternoon we went on a joint trip to Livø, the Pearl of the Limfjord. The students sailed in large RIB speedboats back and forth, and on Livø a tour of the island was arranged, as well as a cosy dinner. Thursday evening there was again memorial book writing and cosiness.
Friday - Gala
On Friday morning the main cleaning of the rooms and the whole school took place. In the afternoon, the students got ready for the big gala party and it was the most beautiful party and evening in living memory. The atmosphere was fantastic and the students danced dances, sang and enjoyed themselves in the ballroom with the Award Show. The teachers' show was the highlight of the evening's show, and once again shocked the students in the best possible way with highly caricatured scenes of the year's most bizarre shared experiences. The night until Saturday was all too short and tears rolled down the bright morning hours.
Saturday - Graduation
On Saturday morning, parents and siblings flocked in from all corners of the world and soon the cars were packed and everyone gathered in the large hall of the Culture Centre.
The graduation ceremony included singing and choir, speeches and the awarding of certificates and school diplomas to all. The Rotary Løgstør Fellowship of the Year Award was presented and there were also prizes for the two students with the highest average in the 9th and 10th grades. An award was also presented by the teachers to a pupil who has developed significantly during the school year and, despite challenges, has set an example for others.

See more photos from the graduation ceremony.
After the formal programme, all families had lunch in the square and canteen, and the students gathered with the teachers for the last big farewell and, for many, big toast. And only at 3pm were they finally ready to leave. It was hard to say goodbye for everyone!
The school year 2013-14 and the 10th student team was a really positive experience, many gathered again at Nibefestival, where a large group of parents again supported the afterschool community by taking shifts in Ranum Efterskole's Friends tent at the Camp. It reportedly went really well too!
Personal RE Postcard
If you would like to send a summer greeting from this school year, Nigel has created a series of summer postcards that you can send via FB - share and write a personalised greeting

See more facebook summer postcards.
We have gone on summer holidays
Now we are all on summer holidays and the offices are closed until week 31. info@ranumefterskole.dk and on 96664400 for important situations - let it ring through and leave a message if necessary.
We are very much looking forward to meeting the new students on August 10th and to move into the new Ranum House.
Thank you for this school year and have a great summer!
Yours sincerely
Olav Storm Johannsen